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Social Media and Websites: Can You Use One Without the Other?

Finnegan Pierson
Is it time to start spending a little more money on advertising your business? Read this story to find out why it is crucial to begin marketing and advertising.
From the beginning, you dreamt to be the best in your business. You started with the idea to grow the company in a couple of years. And now you believe it’s the right time to expand. Which means it’s time to pay a little more for advertising. But will advertising be enough?
You know what social media marketing is because you use it every day to bring in new customers. Facebook, twitter, instagram - you’re on them all. But have you seen an increase in business? How many likes are you getting? Do you know how many people are seeing your website?
Although you may spend more on advertising but if you don’t know its working, is your money spent wisely or is it being wasted? This is where digital marketing comes in, and it is a must when you are trying to pull yourself out of the quagmire of the business world.

Digital Marketing and Analytics

Digital marketing encompasses all areas of online marketing. Businesses use social media, email, websites and search engines to drive advertising campaigns. Analysis is along with digital marketing. Analysis is examining elements or structure of something.
In your case, you would analyze how you’re marketing your business if the way you are using social media platforms is adding to your bottom line. Marketing analytics gives you insight into advertising, enabling you to spend money effectively.
A company that specializes in analytics-consulting will focus on several aspects of your digital marketing strategy. If you are starting your venture in the world of digital marketing, engagement and traffic might be easiest components to understand.


Consider the social media platforms you use to shout out future sales you will have or the discounts a customer will receive. You have pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. How many likes, shares or comments do you get with each post? All likes you received, along with the shares from the most recent sale are your engagement numbers for that post.
Tracking all the numbers from posts of each social media platform will give you an idea of how to move your advertising campaign forward.


Traffic refers to people visiting your website. An analyst can review your site and takes several numbers into account:
  • How many users visited the site
  • How long did users stay
  • How many made purchases
  • How many pages did they look
  • Which pages were they spending most of their time on
  • Did they use desktop or cell phone
But how did those people get to your website? The answer to this question is analyzed, as well.
  1. Paid – paid ads like Google Ads, Facebook Ads
  2. Organic – typed query into a search engine
  3. Direct – someone typed in your website to go directly to your site
  4. Social – directed from your social media post to your site

Engagement and Traffic Combined

It is known in analytics that if social media platforms engage target audience, they continue to move to your website. This increases traffic. The more engagement between you and your customers, the more traffic moves to your site, bringing in more money.

The End Result

Once the analyst has pulled in numbers from your social media platforms and your website, you will have a better idea of which route to take. If you need to increase your engagement, a marketing expert might look at your content. Do you need blogs added to your website?
If you already have blogs, do you need to add keywords and focus on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Updating these and adding them to your platforms might bring more traffic to your website.