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The Best Ways to Market a Travel Business

Stacy Tolkin
Are you thinking of starting your own travel-related business, but are unsure of what the sector demands in terms of marketing? Whether you want to start a travel blog, a hotel price comparison site, launch a new suitcase or release a travel beauty line, here are some of the key things that you'll need to think about when it comes to your marketing.
This story will look at some of the most important parts of starting a travel-related business. From visual marketing and research to destination knowledge and innovative content, you'll go away with a good few pointers for making you new business successful!

Blog, Blog and Then Blog Some Moreā€¦

Producing Information

One of the biggest forms of web traffic in 2019 is through the pursuit of informational content. By providing a blog for your product (whether an agency, product or service), you will be drawing potential customers towards you! Plus, it makes your brand look like a travel extraordinaire!

Successful Travel Blogs

Parking at Airports is a good example of an online travel related business that has incorporated a blog into their site in order to gain some traffic!

Other Examples

Never Ending Footsteps is another good example, as well as Goats On The Road!
Taking a look at other travel blogs, the content that they write about and the searches that they are ranking for in search engines will help you to build a better blog for your own company!

Visual Marketing

Wow Them With Visuals

Marketing a travel-related business is always going to rely heavily on visual marketing. People want to see beautiful places, so show them some!

Travel Photos

There is a huge demand for beautiful travel photos online. Make sure you are always using high quality photos. If you can take your own then even better!

Travel Videos

Creating a travel video is another great way to score some stellar marketing. High quality videos are disseminated easily and are hugely popular, and if they feature your product then you may just be in for a treat!

Know Your Product: Do Your Research

Research, Research, and Research...

If you are selling a new travel suitcase then make sure that you know all the ins and out of your product. If you are selling an ebook about travelling to France then make sure you have fact checked and memorised your information.
Making sure that you really do know your business and that you really have done your research is really important when starting a travel business. It will make you seem informed, knowledgeable and trustworthy!

Social Media & the Travel Industry

Be Social and Show Your Business off

There is a huge potential to gain a large social media following when you work in the travel industry. Travel has raised in popularity over the last few years and people are always looking for the next new travel service, product or destination!


Instagram is one of the best places to show off your business visually. Use great photos to draw the custom in!


Get tweeting about the newest travel hashtags and popular culture. Connect with people in your industry and promote your business!


Get your Facebook game on the go. Start sharing blog posts, competitions and inspiring video content!